Saturday, May 17, 2014



A piece of chalk and surface on which to write - concrete or asphalt - and all the requirements to play Hopscotch are met. As the hopscotch lines, probably still remember - one dice, and then the two side by side, and yet another, and so on until the end. What is the total field is up to you and the child. When you draft, you should enter the numbers in each field in order, from 1 upwards. Then you need to equip a small stone throwing (can serve your piece of chalk). If you play a kid, it stood at the start, throwing a pebble in the number one, jumping up to him, takes the stone and return to the beginning. Child to the marked field jumps on one leg, and if you put the other foot hits the field that is not the right fit or the drawn frame moving again. When the game more children together, with each fouled player pebble teaches the next child, and so on until the first is complete all fields respectively, and thus become the winner. Experienced children can play to make it interesting by making the case to throw backwards, jump with both feet, eyes closed ... The game is great for developing a sense of space, the accuracy and strengthen joints and leg muscles.

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