15 Children's outdoor games of the spring Round
Here's a little review the most popular outdoor games, which will help refresh your memory, and, hopefully, "frolic" and you and the child:
The first more or less pleasant spring days once marked the beginning of the period during which the children entered the house only when you are hungry and their mother from the window cried that it was time for bed. The rest of the day the children spent in the game without end, learning from everything that can not be learned in school, in front of the TV screen or with a mouse in hand. Acquired the skills taught to win and lose, solve problems, make poznastva and fight boredom, using only their imagination and resourcefulness. Today we have somehow lost sight of how precious this life school, and even when we are aware of the importance of outdoor games, we do not know how to motivate a child to be separated from cartoons and games and went to the playground. Here's a little review the most popular outdoor games, which will refresh your memory , and, hopefully, "frolic" and you and the child:
At the beginning of the game is a "itch" or "Šugić" and its mission in the game is to chase the other players until someone fails to touch. Then the other player gets "infected" sauce and made it all start to run, including the previous "Šugić". The game continues until the player does not get tired, or they do not get bored. Since this game is great for developing orientation in space, coordination and warming of the muscles, today it is often used as a "warm-up" in sports training youngsters.Ice uncle
This is a similar šugi, except that one player all the time chasing the other. When someone touches and says, "icy", that has to be buried in the village, while Ice uncle continues to chase away. Players who are still untouched by touching it can defrost those frozen, and that some of the game won, you must freeze all participants.Colorful eggs
For this game you need at least 4 players. One is the "devil", another vendor, and other colorful eggs. Players representing the egg, before the start of each round, negotiating who will be the colors, for example. red, yellow, gold, etc.. Then line up around and crouched down to remind the eggs in the basket. When preparations are complete, the devil comes to buy eggs. The following is a typical dialogue:Devil: "Knock, knock!"
Seller: "Who is it?"
Devil: "The devil from heaven!"
Seller: "What do you need?"
Devil: "One egg!"
Seller: "What color?"
Devil (nearly) "Yellow?"
If the devil does not hit the paint, did it again. If the players there is a yellow egg, it immediately gets up and runs away. When the devil catch, then caught player becomes the devil in the next round.
Skipping rope
Rope skipping can have fun in many ways, solo or accompanied. When a child skips rope only, it is necessary to pre-adjust its length. The ideal is that when a child gets in the middle of the rope, the handle can be lifted up to the armpits. If the rope is too long, it can wrap around the wrist, or you can shorten with handles. Skip can be trečeći, jumping with both feet together or alternately, with jumps between the turns of the rope, forward, backward, or moving in ...Skipping rope in society means that two players hold the rope and turn it in large circles, while the third player stands between them and skipping rope. The third way is that a player is holding the rope for a handle, and rotating it around, the winch rope in a circle at ten centimeters above the ground, while one or more players skipped.
Frisbee is another game that requires a lot of movement, and is a great energiser children after winter dormancy. It is ideal to play on a soft surface, ie. on the grass, so that the child could safely be thrown away and should be used for "runaway" Frisbee, which will cause a lot of laughter and good cheer.Frisbee throws during holding hands so that your thumb is on top and the other fingers on the bottom of the drive. Arm is bent at the elbow at shoulder level, a Frisbee slightly tilted upward, as in the summer would not end up in the grass.
A few decades ago, hula-hop was a hit with the kids, but it's hard to find a girl who really knows how to spin around your waist, legs or arms. Although the technique of spinning hula-hop is relatively easy, it is hard to learn if you do not have a model next to me, so if your child shows an interest, try to remove the cake looking at some video clips on the Internet in which it explains the basic techniques. Able to spin the hips, waist or slightly above, and can alternately - to walk series, and the torso, and the arms spinning when corrected, and circular motionthe shoulder. Smaller hoop can, if you are quick, you go round and round legs. Special attractions used to be the girl who hula-hop revolved around the door.
ma popular game "Mouse-cat" and "1-2-3."
Who loves you, who loves you ...?
Skipping the elastic band can be interesting and boys and girls, and is best played when you participate in a lot of children. Rubber band spread out and all the players fit inside it. One player asks, "Who loves you, who loves you ... ice cream?" If everyone loves ice cream, all remain in the rubber band. If it is something bad, that no one likes, all quickly jump out of the elastic band, and the worst passing one who remains the last, because it all upetljanog the rubber band is working on. It is particularly intense when the person who asks delaying the whole issue by saying, for example. "Who loves cakes ... of .... worms?" Then, to the last, everyone listen carefully whether you should jump out or stay in, because popping for no reason also causes laughter with other players.Kiteflying
Windy spring days are perfect to send your dragon in height. Today, it is relatively easy to find a dragon in a toy shop or Chinese goods. This is a pastime in which the child will need a lot of parental help, and you will not be so easy in the beginning. It is important not to try to fly the kites unless the wind is blowing strong enough, because you can run out to exhaustion, a dragon will not be able to lift, to the disappointment of the child. Bypasses the trees a wide berth (remember the Charlie Brown and his wood-eating dragons? All the trees are the same!).Hopscotch
A piece of chalk and surface on which to write - concrete or asphalt - and all the requirements to play Hopscotch are met. As the hopscotch lines, probably still remember - one dice, and then the two side by side, and yet another, and so on until the end. What is the total field is up to you and the child. When you draft, you should enter the numbers in each field in order, from 1 upwards. Then you need to equip a small stone throwing (can serve your piece of chalk). If you play a kid, it stood at the start, throwing a pebble in the number one, jumping up to him, takes the stone and return to the beginning. Child to the marked field jumps on one leg, and if you put the other foot hits the field that is not the right fit or the drawn frame moving again. When the game more children together, with each fouled player pebble teaches the next child, and so on until the first is complete all fields respectively, and thus become the winner. Experienced children can play to make it interesting by making the case to throw backwards, jump with both feet, eyes closed ... The game is great for developing a sense of space, the accuracy and strengthen joints and leg muscles.
One child starts the game by chasing the other kids run free. When someone catches, stays connected with him, and holding hands, they begin pursuit of the other children. When you catch the next child, and what with them Vija other children. The game continues until the last child is to remain at large, and it becomes the first link next round.Blind man's buff
Blind man's buff game is ideal for open space, but preferably as straight as possible and free of obstructions. Need the larger society and scarf. A player who is "ćorava grandmother" other players tied a scarf over your eyes so you do not see it, and gave it a spin around its own axis, losing the sense of direction in space. Then take it and get out of it, and "Grandma" started wandering around with outstretched arms, trying to grope and catch some of the players. To make the game even more exciting, the other players will not escape away from the blind man's buff, waiting to accidentally run into them, but it will be closer all the time and cause it - shout, nudge, pull the scarf, quickly dodging when he turned toward them.When "grandma" catch some of the players, then you have to guess who holds, without taking without the blindfold. He has the right to touch caught, tried to tickle him would not recognize the voice, and if you fail to recognize it, it has to let him go and hunt on. If you guess who was caught, this is a new "ćorava grandmother."
Arjačkinje barjačkinje
In this game you need a larger society which is divided into two equal groups. Players each group hold hands and stand right across the street from the other team, at a distance of ten meters. Then one team yelling in unison: "Arjačkinje, barjačkinje, who will?" And the other team responds by shouting the name of a player from the opposing party. Then he called out zatrči full force, with the aim of breaking the opponent's line. If through the defense and down the chain of players, then selects one of the players of the opposing team and take him back to your team. If it prevent you break the chain, then there is the other team. Win one group that collects all the players from the opposing team.
Peekaboo are well known and today's children, but rarely will have enough children who are ready to play hide and seek until the last rays of the setting sun, when the game gets exciting. When the assembled company for a game, set up the first who will be turning a blind eye, and choose the location where the eyes closed. Turn a blind eye so as to put his head in his own forearm, while the one who turning a blind eye toward the wall or a tree, and count out loud to an agreed number - from 1 to 20, or 100, counting "five" (5, 10, 15, 20 ...). Further to that time running and looking where to hide.When zvarši counting žmurač shouted, "Move!" Well, open your eyes and start looking for others. When he saw a hidden, cried when and where video, and starts to run to the place where it counted, touched his hand to the place and "zapljune" found, for example, for example. "Pu Jeannot". If Joca arrives first to the same place, on zapljune themselves and so be saved. If a player who has eyes were shut zapljune all players except one, the last has a chance to spaci whole society, if ispe to sneak the place of counting and exclaimed: "Pu, salvation for all of us." Then "outplayed" There must be turning a blind eye.
The boys even said a special "language of marbles," incomprehensible to those who have not played marbles. Naftalinac, troperac, STAKLENAC, Gvozdenac ... each had their value, their properties during the game. The most commonly played marbles in order to conquer the game. First would be marked area on the ground, in what will be played. He would order all players trying to throw your marble into a hole dug in the area, or at least as close to it. Those who succeed, have the right to target its a marble marble najbiližeg opponents, and so it wins. If two players threw a marble into the hole, the one that scored first has to run away from the hole, it will be a hit.
If a player hits the clicker opponent before he threw his marble into the hole, the shot to remember. If you then add a marble into the hole wins. However, if an opposing player, meanwhile, hit his clicker, the goal is canceled.
(Parent & Child)
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